The Ten Greatest Portraits
Ever Painted
Ten immortal masterpieces
that tower over all the rest.

6. Anthony Van Dyck, 1599-1641
Charles I
Dyck lifted "grand manner"
portraiture to its apogee. This portrayal
of the King of England gives us the
very essence of aristocratic refinement.
The pose, the costume, the hauteur
in the glancehere we have the
princely manner unsurpassed. The two
supporting figures and the magnificent
horse reinforce the king's dominance.
Everything in the composition revolves
around the monarch, including the
clouds in the sky, the foliage of
the tree and the foreground landscape.
Dyck is really "the painter's
painter." His masterly technique
rewards study. The elegant folds in
the king's left sleeve convey the
shimmering effect of satin; the red
velvet breeches offer convincing contrast.
The boots are a marvel of draftsmanship
and style. The beautifully rendered
horse bows in submission to the monarch.
Louvre Museum, Paris
created by A Stroke of Genius, Inc.