4. Thomas Lawrence, 1769-1830
Sarah Goodin Barrett Moulton:
Lawrence painting is a masterpiece.
Perfect draftsmanship, exquisite
subtlety of tone and color, deft
and incisive brushworkall
portraying a concept invariably
characterized by optimism and freshness.
This charming portrait of a young
lady posed against an imagined English
countryside has long been one of
the world's most beloved paintings.
Every artist should study the edges
in this pictureparticularly
how the edges of the figure relate
to the background immediately behind.
It cannot be done better.
contemporary painter is tempted
to regard this superb portrait as
a bit of a "cupcake."
There is, at first glance, an element
of idealistic prettiness about it.
To take this position regarding
Pinkie is to miss the sheer
power of the painting's flawless
artistry. No artist has ever touched
canvas with such breathtaking assurance.
Library and Gallery, San Marino