A John Howard Sanden Lecture
at Your Group or Event
excitement, the romance, the significance of the great portrait
artists of history and today - in "The World of Portrait
Painting" lectures. These presentations are richly illustrated
(note the number of illustrations in each program). Mr. Sanden
will come to your organization or event to present one of these
programs, which combine education and entertainment. Here is
what some of the participants said:
"These are not just lectures... this is information-packed
entertainment." I. I., New York City
"Last night's lecture was wonderful. My husband and I
thoroughly enjoyed the evening. I was mesmerized." N.
S., Westport
"I will never be able to thank you enough for last night.
We have never had a program of that caliber or size. Everyone
raving about the lecture. A thousand thanks." K.
M., Darien
White House Portraits
The 235-year history of the White House collection
of presidential and first lady portraits.
161 images, 55 minutes
Which artist painted more Presidential
portraits than any other? Why are there 43 Presidential portraits
but only 29 First Lady portraits? Which White House portrait is the
greatest artistic masterpiece? What artist painted 75 replicas of
his Presidential portrait? Learn the answers to these and other questions
in this information-filled presentation. The lecture will trace the
235-year history of the official White House portraits, looking most
closely at the artistic triumphs which ornament the collection. Then
Mr. Sanden will recall highlights of his own experience in creating
the official portraits of President and Mrs. George W. Bush, concluding
with scenes from the celebrity-filled unveiling at the White House.
/ Sorolla: Studies in Greatness
The interaction between two great artists.
294 images, 90 minutes
For more than thirty years, the
lives of these two great artists were linked. They shared a common
philosophy of painting, and both had legions of admirers around the
world. This lecture documents both great careers, and examines the
influence each had on the other. John Singer Sargent (1856-1925),
and Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923) - masters of the incisive,
direct brushstroke, filled the world with their fame and the unforgettable
images of their paintings - two inspiring lives of similarity and
dramatic contrasts. |
the President and the First Lady
How the most important assignment in American portrait painting
required 65 weeks to complete.
441 images, 2 hours
Shorter version: 317 images, 90 minutes
In February of 2010, John Howard
Sanden received a call from the Dallas office of former President
George W. Bush. Sixty-five weeks later, the official White House portraits
of the former President and First Lady were finished. This lecture
recounts the story of that project, showing how the artist completed
no fewer than eight complete portraits of the Presdent (though the
first one was approved) and three of Mrs. Bush, before finding in
each case exactly the setting, pose and mood that was desired. Artists
will enjoy the descriptions of studio procedures, while laymen will
enjoy following the complexities of this top-level portrait assignment. |
DeLászló Magic
The amazing story of the most successful
portrait artist who ever lived.
210 images, 75 minutes
Philip Alexius de László
(1869-1937), Hungarian master, was the most sought-after portrait
artist of all time. He painted more members of royalty - more kings,
more queens, more titled aristocrats, more presidents and prime ministers
- than any other artist in history. Philip de László
arrived in London the year (1907) that John Singer Sargent announced
his "retirement" from portrait painting. Sargent introduced
the younger artist to London society and obtained many commissions
for him. An interesting feature is the opportunity to compare the
results when Sargent and de László painted the same
subject. |
Ten Greatest Portraits Ever Painted
The ten most influential portraits of all time.
127 images, 50 minutes
What makes a portrait great Why
do certain paintings tower over all the rest What are the qualities
of a masterpiece This lecture presents the fascinating stories of
the ten most influential portraits of all time. Each was created,
as all portraits are, as an expression of love and regard for the
subject. But somehow, through the magic confluence of genius and chance,
these ten masterpieces are known, loved and admired throughout the
world, and are worth a king's ransom.
to Face With Greatness
Why portrait painting can claim to be "the greatest profession."
123 images, 1 hour
This is an inspiring lecture
in which Mr. Sanden recalls the many who influenced, encouraged and
shaped his career in portraiture, which he deems "The Greatest
Profession." He recalls The Greatness of Heroes - the giants
of the profession on whose shoulders contemporary artists stand; The
Greatness of Mentors - teachers who patiently explained the basics;
The Greatness of Colleagues - tales of inspiring fellow artists, and
The Greatness of Subjects - the fascinating men and women portrayed
in his portraits - stories of great achievements and lives well lived.
Adventure of Portrait Painting
Highlights of a forty-year career painting "the world's most
interesting personalities."
348 images, 90 minutes
An American President and his
First Lady, African kings, world-famous businessmen, cabinet secretaries,
artists and evangelists - all have sat for the New York portrait artist
John Howard Sanden during his forty-year career. The world's most
interesting men and women, including many of the richest and most
famous, have crossed the threshold of the artist's studio in Carnegie
Hall, New York. But there is another story here, as well - how the
possibilities of a career in portraiture became apparent to a young
artist in the Midwest - the inspiring story of how an unsure young
idealist risked everything on a new start in New York.
E. Greene: His Achievement in the Context of History
The work of this world-famous artist is placed in the context of
American art history.
176 images, 1 hour
Daniel E. Greene is one of the
world's foremost living artists. Over a long career, he has created
a huge body of work, continually surprising by his creativity and
originality. He is the foremost pastellist in the world today, and
his work has elevated that medium at last onto an equal footing with
other traditional media. Daniel Greene is one of America's foremost
portrait artists. He is one of the greatest of American teachers of
art, his students numbering in the tens of thousands. This lecture
showcases many examples of the artist's astonishing output, and attempts
to place him in the historical context of American realist painting.
Ten Most Common Mistakes in Portrait Painting
How to identify the most common mistakes in painting - and how
to avoid them.
222 images, 1 hour
This lecture provides the viewer
with a systematic framework for analyzing a work of art in a way that
reveals fundamental flaws. Examples of the flaws are shown in paintings
chosen from the collections of the great museums of the world. There
is much practical advice for the working portrait artist in this unique
and very entertaining presentation.
Teachers in American Art History
Six great teachers who influenced generations of artists.
118 images, 55 minutes
These six men were giants in
the history of American art. The six most influential teachers in
terms of influence - each produced armies of disciples. William Merritt
Chase, Robert Henri, George Bridgman, Frank Vincent DuMond, Robert
Brackman, and Frank Reilly - each were important artists with a noteworthy
career; each loved to teach and their enthusiasm was infectious and
far-reaching. In this lecture, you will meet each of the six giants,
enjoy examples of their great work, meet some of their disciples,
and learn the timeless principles they taught.
Ten Greatest Masterpieces of American Illustration Art
The ten most influential examples of American illustration.
271 images, 1 hour
Some of the greatest work produced
by American artists has been in the field of illustration. Several
illustrators (such as Charles Dana Gibson) have exerted a profound
influence on the national style and culture. Two American illustrators,
Maxfield Parrish and Norman Rockwell, are among the most beloved artists
in all of history. This lecture nominates the ten works by American
illustrators that exerted the most far-reaching emotional appeal to
the public as a whole, and remain, even today, as imperishable mementoes
of our national past.
The surprising and baffling story of a world-famous Christian masterpiece,
and the famous lives it touched.
238 images, 90 minutes
A wealthy New York businessman
purchases an artist's replica of a world-famous religious painting.
Years later, the businessman's granddaughter presents the painting
to a Connecticut church. Along the way, from Dresden, Germany to Darien,
Connecticut, the painting attracts the attention of Andrew Carnegie,
John D. Rockefeller Senior and Junior, J. P. Morgan, Henry Morrison
Flagler, as well as an army of scholars, preachers and experts. An
astonishing story you will not soon forget. The presentation includes
a complete Life of Christ in the drawings of the great German artist
Heinrich Hofmann (1824-1911).
The World of Portrait Painting
lectures have been presented at: |
Salmagundi Club, New York City
Rockefeller Center, New York City
Arader Galleries, New York City
Eseeola Lodge, Linville, North Carolina
New York City
Annual Conference, Reston, Virginia
Salmagundi Club, New York City
Barbizon Plaza Theatre, New York City
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Chicago Hilton Hotel, Chicago
Renaissance Waverly Hotel, Atlanta
Darien Country Club, Darien, Connecticut
University of Connecticut, Stamford
Darien, Connecticut
The Portrait Institute
Box 600, Georgetown, CT 06829
Email@PortraitInstitute.com |