afternoon. I'm Fred Ryan, Chairman of the
Board of the White House Historical Association.
The Association is honored to be part of
today's historic ceremony, and to have played
a role in arranging for the magnificent
portraits that are about to be unveiled.
The White House Historical Association
was founded fifty years ago by First Lady
Jacqueline Kennedy with two specific missions.
The first is to educate and inform the public
about the history of the White House and
the distinguished group of Americans that
have inhabited it. In this regard it is
an exciting time for us as we mark our Fiftieth
Anniversary Campaign for White House History.
To the north of the White House at the historic
Decatur House, we have just launched a new
David Rubenstein National Center for White
House History. Next year, to the south of
the White House, we will open a newly redesigned
White House Visitors Center. It will give
the millions of visitors to Washington each
year a chance to gain a broader understanding
of life in the White House. If we can just
acquire something on the east and west,
we will have the place surrounded! (Laughter.)
The other mission of the Association is
to provide funds to preserve the White House
public rooms and enhance its incomparable
collection of decorative and fine arts.
Over the five decades and ten presidents
since our founding, the Association is proud
to have provided nearly forty million dollars
of financial support for refurbishing and
making important acquisitions for the White
Through the portraits of our presidents
and first ladies, it is a wonderful tradition
that here in America's House, our country
honors those who have honored us. The tradition
began with the acquisition of George Washington's
portrait in 1800. It was purchased by the
United States government. It was viewed
as such an important national treasure it
was the object of Dolley Madison's greatest
concerns when the British burned the White
House in 1814.
The White House Historical Association
has been privileged to commission the official
portrait of every president and first lady
over the last fifty years, and to acquire
historical portraits of those who were previously
missing from the White House collection.
In our digital world, where so many images
are mere flashes on the screen, these enduring
portraits of great Americans by acclaimed
artists are lasting tributes to our presidents
and first ladies, and will forever be part
of the White House collection. Today, the
portraits of President George W. Bush and
First Lady Laura Bush will be added to this
unique collection of those who have occupied
this house and served our nation with distinction.
To those great presidential portrait artists
whose work here includes Gilbert Stuart,
John Singer Sargent and Aaron Shikler, we
now add John Howard Sanden.
And so today's event may once again call
forth one of those great debates that have
taken place often within the White House.
Strong arguments have been made on both
sides. Not a debate over issues or between
partiesit's a debate as to whether
the portraits actually look like the President
and the First Lady. (Laughter.) We will
soon find that out!
It is now my distinct pleasure to introduce
the President of the United States.
by President Barack Obama  |