John Howard Sanden portraits  
Town & Country Magazine Publishes a List of
"America's Twelve Best Portraitists."

Town & Country Magazine, July 2001.

By Ted Loos

"…there is wide agreement that
the most talented include those
listed below."

O f the countless artists at work in the United States, many will do the occasional portrait, and the result can bring a new perspective to the genre. One thinks, for example, of New York's Stone Roberts, whose big, gorgeous canvases often look like portraits. "They're of real people, but they're not portraits," the artist says, drawing a fine distinction. "A portrait is a painting that sets out to record someone's features and personality. With a few exceptions, the principal focus in my paintings is on the composition. The people are anonymous."

Of the artists who do paint portraits frequently, there is wide agreement that the most talented include those listed below:

James Childs, New York City

Michael Del Priore, Greenville, South Carolina

William Draper, New York City

Daniel Greene, North Salem, New York

Everett Raymond Kinstler, New York City

Birgitte Knaus, lbiza, Spain

Margaret Holland Sargent, Los Angeles, California

John Howard Sanden, Ridgefield, Connecticut

Nelson Shanks, Andalusia, Pennsylvania

Ronald Sherr, New York City

Aaron Shikler, New York City

Richard Whitney, Stoddard, New Hampshire